Spotkanie Cafe Europa w Barcelonie, w ramach Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Literatury "Kosmopolis 05". Tematem spotkania jest "Literatura i Internet". Uczestniczą: Krzysztof Czyzewski, Bodó Balázs, Biel Mesquida, Peter Jukes, Marius Serra, Chris Keulemans i Hannah Charlton.
First evening, December 2, 2005:
- Presantation by Krzysztof Czyzewski.
- Peter Jukes – “The revolution of the genres: Guttenberg/Cervantes and digital literature” .
- Music interval.
- The main discussion on the above subject, by Marius Serra. Discussions by the
other participants and the public.
- Music and poetry interval
- Chris Keulemans – “The modification of language in digital literature”.
- Music interval
- The main discussion on the above subject, by Biel Mesquida. Other discussions (about 20 minutes).
- Music and poetry interval.
- Perfomance by Kinga Kovács, with explanations by Bodo Balázs.
Second evening, December 3, 2005:
- Opening by Krzysztof Czyzewski.
- Marrius Serra – “On authorship and the revolution of distribution”.
- Music interval.
- The main discussions on the above subject, by Chris Keulemans and Bodo Balázs. Other discussions.
- Music and poetry interval.
- Biel Mesquida: a synthetic presentation of his creative work.
- Music interval.
- “Hypertextuality: an approach from the point of view of the theory of literature”, with interventions of all participants and of the public.
N.B.: In both sessions there will be a participant online, Hannah Charlton, who will follow them, whereas her interventions will appear in screen connected to a computer. On the other hand, any particapant and anyone from the public can answer her by using the computer. Besides, this computer can be used by the participants in the debate in case they would need to illustrate their ideas, by connection to websites.