28-31 października 2008 - Konferencja Interacció 2008

Konferencja Interacció 200w Barcelonie, w której wziął udział Krzysztof Czyżewski.

Interacció 2008 
Intercultural Dialogue Policies at a Local Level 
Interacció 2008 seeks to reopen the debate on diversity and interculturality, convinced that the new dimension of the phenomenon demands a response from local authorities. To this end, Interacció 2008 proposes the following objectives: 
* Show a theoretical and practical panorama of the state of local cultural policies on interculturality. 
* Reflect on the need for the municipal departments and services of culture and citizen participation to respond to the challenges of diversity with their own programmes and policies. 
* Observe the evolution of the cultural policies of diversity, as well as good practices, and propose new future paths and objectives from a municipal perspective. 
* Create a space of understanding, meeting and exchange between culture officers and professionals. 
It is therefore time to construct a theoretical and practical framework which allows us to confront the creation of intercultural policies from the cultural field. Interculturality implies, however, mobility and fluidity in the approach to culture itself. This affects the new arrivals, but even more the local inhabitants. With interculturality we will all become locals, but also, to some extent, new arrivals. Interculturality, just as it is defined by UNESCO, refers to the equitable interaction of different existing cultures and the possibility of generating shared cultural expressions, through dialogue and mutual respect. It therefore speaks of an equitable interaction, without pre-eminence or domination by anyone. In addition, cultural expressions must be shared; in other words, there must be no interlocutor who imposes them, but rather they must be the fruit of collaboration and exchange. 
Furthermore, we must not forget that 2008 has been declared the European Year of Intercultural Dialogue (EYID) through decision no. 1983/2006/EC of the European Parliament and the Council (18th December 2006). This international framework is ideal, therefore, for the Diputació (Provincial Government) de Barcelona to make a firm commitment. 
Informacje w języku angielskim oraz języku hiszpańskim na stronie organizatora 
Interacció'08 consists of three blocks: 
1. Plenary Sessions. These are sessions presented by personalities of great distinction in their speciality. 
2. Intercultural Policies in the Local Field. These are sessions with more specific subjects to explore some of the issues outlined in the plenary sessions. 
3. Field of Experiences. Those attending will have a range of real experiences, presented by the people who have developed them, and with the possibility of applying them in their own municipality.  
17 h - 18 h Accreditations (Pati Manning CERC) 
18 h - 18.30 h Inaugural Session (CCCB Foyer) 
Presentations by ,Mr Antoni Fogué, President of the Diputació de Barcelona; Mr. Carles Martí Deputy Mayor, Barcelona City Council and Mr Guillermo Corral, General Director of Cultural Policy and Cultural Industries of the Ministry of Culture 
18.30 h - 20 h Inaugural Lecture: Diversity in a Complex World (CCCB Foyer) 
Juan Goytisolo, writer 
Moderator: José Manuel González Labrador, President, Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona 
20 h Welcome Cocktail (Pati Manning CERC)  
08.30 h - 9.30 h Accreditations (Pati Manning CERC) 
09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality from Thought (CCCB Foyer) 
Bhikhu Parekh, Professor of Political Theory, London School of Economics 
Moderator: Mr Jordi Pascual, Coordinador of the Commitee on Culture, UCLG 
11 h - 11.30 h Break 
11.30 h - 13 h Modules 
Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) 
Civic-Cultural Integration: French Assimilationism 
Guy Saez, Director of PACTE - University of Grenoble 
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Intercultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council 
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) 
Hubert Krieger, Research Manager of the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions, Dublin (Ireland) 
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona 
13 h - 14 h Open mike of cultural experiences (CERC Auditorium and Plato) 
Surveys (CERC Auditorium) 
- Presentation of the System of Indicators for the Evaluation of Local Cultural Policies, FEMP - Spanish Federation of Towns and Provinces 
Debates (CERC Plató) 
- Intercultural dialogue: between the slogan and reality; a debate on festivals as a space for intercultural dialogue. Marta Almirall, Head of Public Festivals and Traditions, ICUB, Barcelona City Council 
Conceived as a debate, participants can express their view of local public festivals. 
14 h - 16 h Break 
16 h - 17.30 h Experiences 
E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CCCB Classroom 1) 
"Madrid entre dos orillas" 
Itziar Elizondo, Project Coordinator at Fundación Directa 
Moderator: Rocío García, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Citizen Policies, Cornellà de Llobregat Town Council 
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) 
The presence of other cultures in the Bibliographic Sources of Barcelona Libraries 
Anna Bröll Nadal Technical Director of Services, Barcelona Libraries Consortium 
Moderator: Antoni Cabré, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economic Promotion, Culture and Cooperation, Esparraguera Town Council 
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) 
The castellers (Human Tower Builders) as an Example of Integration 
Ricard Morén Alegret, Professor and Researcher at the UAB 
Miquel Botella, Vice-President of the Coordinadora de Colles Castelleres de Catalunya 
Moderator: Ferran Tomel, Deputy Mayor for Culture, Youth and Coexistence, Ripollet Town Council 
E4. Intercultural Cities 
Presentation of the experience and visits to facilities and associations in El Raval: Forn de Teatre Pa' tothom (Montse Forcades), Xamfrà (Àngels Roger) and Fundació Tot Raval (Núria Paricio and Laura García) 
Moderator: Alba Barnusell, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Communication, Image and Citizen Relations, Granollers Town Council 
E5. Citizenry (CERC Auditorium) 
Roots & Routes, Workshops of audiovisual, music and dance for young people from different origins whose objective is to promote diversity 
Raúl Martínez, Director of XenoMedia Communicació and professor of Communication. Coordinator in our country of the European project Roots & Routes 
Moderator: Isabel Roig, Councillor for Culture, Solidarity and International Cooperation, Arenys de Mar Town Council 
17.30 h - 18 h Break 
18 h - 19.30 h Modules 
Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) 
British Corporate Multiculturalism 
Franco Bianchini, Professor of Cultural Policy and Planning, Leeds Metropolitan University 
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Cultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council 
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) 
The Task of Municipal Governments. Roundtable on cultural policies related to the management of diversity. 
Claus Preissler Commissioner for Integration and Migration, Mannheim Town Council 
Dolors Fernández i Bosch, Deputy Mayor of Social Welfare, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat Town Council 
Ana Moreno, Councillor for Social Welfare, Cordova Town Council, and member of the Committee of Immigration and Social Cohesion at FEMP 
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona 
09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality and Contemporary Creation (CCCB Foyer) 
Dragan Klaic, theatre scholar and cultural analyst (Amsterdam) 
Krzysztof Czyzéwski, practitioner of ideas, President of the Borderland Foundation (Poland) and writer 
Moderator: Esteve León Aguilera, Director of Social and Cultural Prospective Initiatives, Diputació de Barcelona 
11 h - 11.30 h Break 
11.30 h - 13 h Experiences 
E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CERC Auditorium) 
Linguamón Good Practices, a Resource at the Service of Linguistic Diversity 
Mercè Solé i Sanosa, Department of Programmes and Management of Linguamón 
Moderator: Lluís Monge, Deputy Mayor at the Department of the Presidency and Culture, Sabadell Town Council 
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) 
Intercultural Libraries in Andalusia 
Rafaela Valenzuela, Director General of Books and Bibliographic and Documental Heritage, Junta de Andalucía 
Moderator: Sergi Penedès, Councillor for Culture, Mataró Town Council 
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) 
La Formiga Socio-Cultural Association: Projects for Interculturality. 
Jesús Gómez Pujol, Technical Director and co-founder of the association 
Moderator: María Hinojo, Councillor for Culture, Martorell Town Council 
E4. Intercultural Cities (CCCB Classroom 1) 
The Fòrum Intercultural de Vic 
Xavier Solà i Cabanas, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Vic Town Council 
Moderator: Maria Enrich, Councillor for Culture and Public Festivals, Igualada Town Council 
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) 
Barcelona Festivals and Interculturality 
Marta Almirall, Manager of Traditions and Festivals at ICUB, Barcelona City Council 
Moderator: Àngels Ponsa, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Industry, Trade, Youth, Culture and Citizen Participation, Sant Quirze del Vallès Town Council 
Moderator: Àngels Ponsa, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Economy, Industry, Trade, Youth, Culture and Citizen Participation, Sant Quirze del Vallès Town Council 
13 h -14 h Open mike of Cultural Experiences (CERC Auditorium and Plató) 
- System of indicators for the evaluation of the Culture and Development Strategy, AECID - Spanish Agency for International Cooperation and Development, Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation. Mercedes de Castro and Anna Muñoz, AECID. 
Publications (CERC Auditorium) 
- Book Gestión cultural, estudios de caso by David Roselló i Cerezuela and Alba Colombo, Editorial Ariel, 2008. 
14 h - 16 h Break 
16 h - 17.30 h Modules 
Module 1: Intercultural Dialogue (CCCB Foyer) 
Seeking Other Models of Intercultural Relations 
Roundtable: Intercultural Cities: Greenwich (United Kingdom), Izhevsk (Russia), Oslo (Norway) and Patras (Greece) 
Moderator: Daniel de Torres, Mayor's Office Commissioner for Immigration and Cultural Dialogue, Barcelona City Council 
Module 2: Governance and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) 
Cultural Actors and Diversity (CCCB Auditorium) 
Carlos Piegari, social communicator 
Meri Ilich, writer and President of Casa Eslava 
Abdelatif Abdeselam Hamed, filmmaker 
Adan Kovacsics, translator and writter 
Moderator: Teresa Llorens, Coordinator of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona 
18 h - 19.30 h Experiences 
E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CCCB Classroom 1) 
Citizen Mediation Services 
Elena Lledós, Manager of Equality and Citizenship Services, Diputació de Barcelona 
Moderator: Francesc Millán, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture and Sports, Pineda de Mar Town Council 
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Auditorium) 
Santa Eugènia Social Centre in Girona and the new arrivals´ associations. Culture and coexistence Pau Martinell, Director of the Centre 
Moderator: Anna Ma Chávez, Councillor for Works, Heritage and Culture, Centelles Town Council  
(Classroom 2) 
"Lluïm diferències, vestim il·lusions" 
Jordi Lozano, responsible for Culture, Sabadell Town Council 
Sylvia Oussedik, responsible for Culture, Sabadell Town Council, coordinator of the programme Lluïm diferències, vestim il·lusions 
Moderator: Joan Soler, Councillor for Culture Olesa de Montserrat Town Council 
E4. Intercultural Cities (CERC Auditorium) 
Barcelona Intercultural Dialogue 2008 
Sergi Díaz, Coordinador of Barcelona Intercultural Dialogue (ICUB), Barcelona City Council 
Moderator: Ruth Soto, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Facilities and Cultural Heritage, Sant Adrià del Besòs Town Council 
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) 
Culture and Proximity. Experiences in the Province of Barcelona 
Carles Prats Director of CERC 
Carme Rius, Head of the Office of Cultural Heritage, Diputació de Barcelona 
Moderator: Montserrat Mirabent, Councillor for Culture and Tourism, Sant Boi de Llobregat Town Council 

09.30 h - 11 h Plenary Session: Interculturality - from a cultural niche to strategic policy principle. The Intercultural Cities programme of the Council of Europe (CCCB Foyer) 
Irena Guidikova, Head of the Division of Cultural Policies, Dialogue and Diversity, Council of Europe 
Phil Wood, Consultant and member of Comedia 
Moderator: Jordi Martí, Delegate of Culture, Barcelona City Council  
11 h - 11.30 h Break 
11.30 h - 13.00 h Experiences 
E1. Diversity and Cultural Policies (CERC Auditorium) 
Interculture Map - Parcours Interculturels en Europe, Thematic maps identifying good practices in interculturality 
Sandra Federici, Editor-in-Chief of the journal ¿Africa e Mediterraneo" 
Moderator: Laura Martínez, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Education and Culture, Vilassar de Mar Town Council 
E2. The Role of Cultural Facilities (CCCB Classroom 2) 
Strategies and Facilities for Social Integration and Intercultural Coexistence 
Gustavo García Herrero, Advisor to the Department of Social Action and Head of Social Insertion, Saragossa City Council 
Moderator: Isabel Pla, Councillor for Culture, Vilanova i la Geltrú Town Council 
E3. Cultural Action (CCCB Classroom 3) 
Fedelatina, Federation of Latin-American Associations in Catalonia 
Javier García Bonomi , President of the federation 
Moderator: Neus Muñoz, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Socio-cultural Services, Culture, Solidarity, Cooperation and Sports, Rubí Town Council 
E4. Intercultural Cities (CCCB Classroom 1) 
Fuenlabrada Town Council and interculturality 
Manuel Robles, Mayor of Fuenlabrada 
Moderator: Amadeu Aguado, Councillor for Culture, Terrassa Town Council 
E5. Citizenry (CERC Plató) 
Networking and New Arrivals: the Immigration and Citizenry Programme of Manresa Town Council Ignasi Perramon, Deputy Mayor and Councillor for Culture, Tourism and Immigration, Manresa Town Council 
Moderator: Francisco Manuel Lorenzo, Councillor for Culture, Education and Civic Promotion, El Prat de Llobregat Town Council 
13 h - 14 h Open Mike of Cultural Experiences (CERC Auditorium) 
Projects (CERC Auditorium) 
- Ulisses Project. Víctor Cucurull, Fundació Fusic, Barcelona 
This is a process of participatory artistic creation for social cohesion developed in the district of Poble Sec, Barcelona. With the participation of 22 civic and cultural organisations and more than thirty artists from Barcelona. 
- La Bòbila Cultural Centre, Ricardo Castro, Centre cultural La Bòbila, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat 
Based on the old tradition of women who use sewing circles to tell stories and share concerns, happy moments and misfortunes, the aim is to open La Bòbila to the creation of spaces where women meet again to create an environment of complicity as only they know how to do. 
- Associació Orígens, Martín Miralles, President of the association 
Cultural association for understanding and sharing of values common to all traditions, identities and civilisations.  
14 h - 16 h Break 
16 h - 18 h Plenary Session: The Challenges of the Intercultural City (CCCB Foyer) 
Ali Moussa Iye, Chief of Intercultural Dialogue Section of UNESCO 
Alfons Martinell, Director of the UNESCO Chair for Cultural Policies and Cooperation, University of Girona 
Moderator: Avel·lí Serrano, Coordinator of the Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona 
18 h - 19 h Closing Session (CCCB Foyer) 
Presentations by Jordi Martí, Delegate of Culture, Barcelona City Council; José Manuel González Labrador, President of the Department of Culture, Diputació de Barcelona; and Imma Moraleda Pérez, President of the Department of Equality and Citizenry, Diputació de Barcelona


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