
Icon Writing Workshop As told by Bożena Szroeder For two months an eighteen-person group of senior citizens from the Studio for Adults in Borderland, have been working on preparation of their own icons under the direction of the master artist Renata Gąglewska - Gniady.
Michael Steinlauf about counterculture Michael C. Steinlauf "Never Again?" In Paul Cronin, ed., A Time to Stir, Columbia University Press, 2018
Borderland Foundation in project DisTerrMem 2019-2021 DisTerrMem is a three-year EU-funded project in which an international team of researchers from six organisations will collaborate to explore the management of competing memories of disputed territories across borders.
Review of the Josef Skvorecky book Maciej Robert "A miracle from the inside"  in Bimonthly New Eastern Europe - Issue 6/2018 - November-December. 
Krzysztof Czyżewski MEKASPOET Krzysztof Czyżewski "Mekaspoet" in The Brooklyn Rail;  2018 - Literary Nonfiction edited by Vyt Bakaitis.
The Film Collection of Borderland Fairy Tales by Bozena Szroeder The Film Collection of Borderland Fairy Tales.  Figures.
Reading the other / 22-28 July 2018 Summer School in Krasnogruda. A symposium in the cycle READING THE OTHER titled KOŁAKOWSKI IS READING. Devil and Jesus - Utopia and Totalitarianism - 1968 and Responsibility. Dialogues conducted by: Krzysztof Czyżewski, Leonidas Donskis, Jarosław Hrycak, Marci Shore, Timothy Snyder.
New exhibition in Borderland House in Sejny "books, books, little books" - have always accompanied our work, the history of the Art Studio is as long as the history of Borderland in Sejny.
Borderland Centre in the United States Cooperation, presentations and reinterpretations. From its very foundation, one of the aims of the Borderland Center in Sejny and the International Center for Dialogue in Krasnogruda has been sharing its everyday practices in a way that could be translated it into other cultural contexts.
Musical Meetings at the Borderlands. Symphony Space / April 5th, 2018 We are reaching out to let you know about a special event involving Krzysztof Czyżewski, co-director of the Borderlands Foundation in Sejny, Poland ,  and leading musicians David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg.
Two programs dedicated to children in Borderland. April and May are the time of continuation of two very important programs dedicated to children - the Little Center of the World - for children from elementary school - and Small Discoverers of Sejny for pre-school children.  
A working session of "New Agora” 19-21 March 2018 The “New Agora’ Wandering Academy returns to the Balkans. Initiated by the Borderland Foundation in Sarajevo in 2006, the Academy has been devoted to reflection and practices aimed at overcoming the crisis of a multicultural society in the modern world.  
Krzysztof Czyżewski in Sofia Lecture in Panitza Library in Sofia / March 21, 2018. 1-3pm
Silva Rerum / Home Book The Silva Rerum (Home Book) is composed of multi-generational, interdisciplinary activities bringing together inhabitants of four villages adjacent to the International Center for Dialogue: Krasnogruda, Dusznica, Żegary and Ogrodniki.
Borderland Foundation has been awarded European Cultural Foundation Princess Margriet Award for Culture 2018. On 16 May, the European Cultural Foundation will present two laureates with the 2018 ECF Princess Margriet Award for Culture:  cultural centre  Borderland (PL)  and  multidisciplinary research agency Forensic Architecture (UK).
Celebrating Tomas Venclova’s 80th birthday Tomas Venclova – the poet whom Josif Brodsky called "a son of three literatures": Lithuanian, Polish and Russian, essayist, literature researcher, translator, dissident, one of the last citizens of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, and a borderlander.
IN BETWEEN? SEARCHING FOR LOCAL HISTORIES IN POLISH LITHUANIAN BORDERLAND In July 2017 young generation of Europeans explored history of Polish-Lithuanian borderland and 7 other European regions. As a part of In Between? project, launched and organised by European Network Remembrance and Solidarity, students visited Sejny and Krasnogruda in Poland, as well as Vilnus, Keturiasdešimt Totorių, Trakai and Panierai in Lithuania.
The Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre Two new albums by the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theatre to be released in 2018!  
Film Collection - Part VI - Borderland Tales Film Collection - Part VI - Borderland Tales. After folk tales, songs, stories about Krasnogruda, neighbours' memories and childhood recollections, it is time for the family jewels - Keepsakes.
Mysteries of Childhood. Jerzy Ficowski / exhibition JERZY FICOWSKI RETURNS TO WARSAW Mysteries of Childhood. Jerzy Ficowski  is an exhibition presenting the childhood of the poet and his work addressed to children,
A conversation with Joanna Polak You can also amaze the world from the small Sejny. A conversation with Joanna Polak  
An interview with Daria Kopiec An interview with Daria Kopiec, film and theatre director, co-creator of The Borderland Film Collections.  
8th ELIA Leadership Symposium with the participation of Krzysztof Czyżewski The 8th Leadership Symposium organized by The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) will take place from 29th November to 1st December. This year's edition will bring together nearly 60 influential leaders from higher arts education institutions and universities across the globe. One of the participants is Krzysztof Czyżewski - director of the Borderland.
The Keepers Of the Flame / Sunday September 24th The Borderlands Foundation was delighted to recently host world famous musicians David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg at the International Dialogue Center Krasnogruda to both lead and perform their hour long composition "The Keepers Of the  Flame " as part of the Borderlands annual "Mysterium of the Bridge" event.
A PROJECT "THE PAST FOR THE COMMON FUTURE" In 2016-2017 Kėdainiai Regional Museum together with partners Šėta Gymnasium (Lithuania), Rezekne Academy of Technologies (Latvia), NGO ESTO (Latvia) and 'Borderland' Foundation (Poland) implemented a project 'The Past for the Common Future' of the EU programme 'Europe for Citizens' strand 1 'European Remembrance'. 
Taking bad ideas seriously. How to read Hitler and Ilyin? Taking bad ideas seriously. How to read Hitler and Ilyin?  SIMAS ČELUTKA TIMOTHY SNYDER 28 August 2017. Historian Timothy Snyder, in conversation with Simas Čelutka of the Vilnius Institute for Policy Analysis, discusses how to approach problematic works of political theory.
Poland Pilgrim Testimonies/ July 4 to July 13th 2017 From July 4 to July 13th, four young people from Northern Virginia accompanied me on a pilgrimage to Poland. Our objective was to study 20th century Polish Christianity through the lives of our two most exemplary heroes: Pope John Paul II and the Poet Czeslaw Milosz. 
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czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00


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czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00



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