
MYSTERY OF THE BRIDGE 2017, 22 August, h. 20.30 Musical-theatrical mysterium in the amphitheater of the International Center for Dialogue prepared by the Borderland team and the Invisible Bridge Orchestra.
SMALL TOWN/ MIASTECZKO - Exhibition in Borderlan House in Sejny SMALL TOWN The exhibition is inspired by Moyshe Kulbak’s  The Messiah of the House of Ephraim , published by Pogranicze in 2017, translated by Krzysztof Czyżewski, illustrated with a cycle of lithographs by Isahar Ben Ryback,  Shtetl, My Destroyed Home: A Remembrance,  executed by the artist in the 1920s.
Oranim College from Israel in Borderland / May 11-14, 2017 Borderland will host a group of students and lecturers from Oranim College, Israel. The program of workshops and meetings in Sejny and Krasnogruda is part of their study visit to Poland and Lithuania.
About Borderland School Borderland School. An interview with Weronika Czyżewska-Poncyljusz.  How was the Borderland School established?  The two-year cycle of meetings held in 2013-2014 was preceded by many different earlier events.
Krzysztof Czyżewski - lecture On March 27, 2017, Krzysztof Czyżewski delivered a lecture “Medea, the Myth of Borderlands” at Princeton University
Sejny Heritage Treasury The  Sejny Heritage Treasury  is one of the programs, designed for the local community, dedicated to the 4th and 5th grade pupils of the primary school in Sejny, i.e. 10-11-year-olds.  
Krzysztof Czyzewski - lecture at Yale Yale Program for the Study of Antisemitism. Wednesday, March 8
Ellen Cassedy about Borderland On The Borderland: Big Ideas In A Little Polish Town /  Scribe. The Forwards Contributor Network,  February 26, 2017
Study visit of a group of American students from Syracuse University in Krasnogruda and Sejny On September 11-13 a group, consisting of eight students of the University of Syracuse and two mentors: Prof. DSW dr.hab. Hana Cervinkova and Juliet Golden (graduate of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University, an independent researcher and writer) visited Krasnogruda and Sejny where they got familiar with the work of the Border through meetings and participation in presentations and workshops.
Died Arnold Markowitz  Arnold L. Markowitz, 87, died Thursday, July 7, 2016, following a brief illness. Born and raised in Brooklyn, NY, Arnold attended St. John's College of Annapolis, MD, and received master's degrees from Columbia University, Hunter College and City College of New York. He served at New Yourk University and vice president of the New York Chapter of the Society of Architectural Historians.
BORDERLAND IN BOLZANO EUROMEDITERRANEA/  1st-2nd July 2016 – Kolpinghaus, Bolzano.   Already in 1995 Alexander Langer was aware that a positive role of the European Union in promoting peace, democracy and the creation of an open Euromediterranean space was one of the main challenges of the Union.   
Interethnic communication in ‘Borderlands’ VIGJILENCA ABAZI and ÁBEL RAVASZ 11 February 2015 The Macedonian government shows little interest in fostering interethnic communication. It relies on nationalistic rhetoric and interethnic tensions.
Welcome to UIC Polish Studies/ Annual Hejna Lecture: Krzysztof Czyżewski TBA Events. Upcoming. Annual Hejna Lecture:  Krzysztof Czyżewski TBA 2nd Annual Hejna Polish Poetry Translation Contest Reception University Hall, Room 1501 TBA
University of Illinois at Chicago, April 10-12, 2016 3 rd  Annual International Polish Jewish Studies Workshop  “ Doikeyt , Diaspora, Borderlands: Imagining Polish Jewish Territories” University of Illinois at Chicago,  April 10-12, 2016  
Borderland and Invisible Bridge in Triest INVISIBLE BRIDGE. A polyphonic tale involving poetry, sculpture, film, photography, flavors and fragrances. The “Invisible Bridge” is an exhibition specially prepared for the Trieste Contemporanea. 
Borderland in Macedonia/ 11 December 2015 Skopje Workshop “The Bridge: The Heart of a Community” , organized by the “Max van der Stoel” Institute at the South East European University in cooperation with the Holocaust Memorial Center for the Jews and with the Embassy of Poland in Skopje. 
Borderland in Vatican City State / 23-26 of October 2015 The event, organized by the Polish and German Embassy to the Holy See, was prepared with the participation of "Borderland".
TALES OF COEXISTANCE / Summer at the Borderland   „Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations” Centre and Borderland Foundation  would like to invite you for TALES OF COEXISTANCE Summer at the Borderland Sejny – Krasnogruda, July – August 2015
The Polish Institute invites to a new series of lectures Once a month The Polish Institute in Tel Aviv  will host a representative either of the Polish academy or culture circles who will lecture and discuss different subjects on Polish-Jewish relations history, present days and future. 
1.03.2012 - Native Realm, Europe Of Bridges - Intercultural Integration Workshops NATIVE REALM, EUROPE OF BRIDGES Intercultural Integration Workshops Brussels, 1st of March 2012 East Poland House 1. The challenge: European Union cohesion and community-formation in the European society.
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Dwór Miłosza w Krasnogrudzie

czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00


 Biała Synagoga w Sejnach

,,Atlas Sejneńskiego Nieba" - wystawa Małgorzaty Dmitruk

czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00



  Instytucja współprowadzona przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego RP.


  Instytucja Kultury Województwa Podlaskiego

Szanowni Państwo, drodzy Przyjaciele, kochani Rodzice, Sąsiedzi, Goście Sejn i Krasnogrudy, 

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