8th ELIA Leadership Symposium with the participation of Krzysztof Czyżewski

The 8th Leadership Symposium organized by The European League of Institutes of the Arts (ELIA) will take place from 29th November to 1st December. This year's edition will bring together nearly 60 influential leaders from higher arts education institutions and universities across the globe. One of the participants is Krzysztof Czyżewski - director of the Borderland.

The 8th ELIA Leadership Symposium is organized in Poznań, hosted by the University of Arts - it will take place in this part of Europe for the first time in history. The theme is Heritage / Transitions / Values. Participants of the meeting will lean over the issue of the validity of heritage, understood as a system of values ​​and standards on which artistic universities are based. Delegates of the Leadership Symposium engage in round table debates, based on the input of high profile speakers from across the globe, who provoke new perspectives and ways of thinking, as well as observe cultural, societal, political and economical processes from their field of expertise and cultural context


Krzysztof Czyżewski will take part in a panel held on Friday, December 2nd, devoted to values, artistic education, the role of culture as a factor of social development and promotion of diversity in culture. The session will start at 9.30 with speaker presentations and will last until 11.00, when round table debates will end.


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