Musical Meetings at the Borderlands. Symphony Space / April 5th, 2018

We are reaching out to let you know about a special event involving Krzysztof Czyżewski, co-director of the Borderlands Foundation in Sejny, Poland, and leading musicians David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg.

This very special program will highlight what happens at the Borderlands Foundation, and how the projects born there can travel out into the world. 
David Krakauer & Kathleen Tagg
Musical Meetings at the Borderlands with Special Guest Krzysztof Czyżewski
Thalia, Symphony Space, Thursday April 5th, 2018, 7:30pm

David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg (Breath & Hammer) present an evening that highlights their journey in creating a new large-scale piece for the Borderlands Foundation titled The Keepers of the Flame, which took place at the amphitheater of the Krasnagruda International Center for Dialogue in Krasnogruda, Poland, as part of the Borderlands' Misterium Mostu (Mystery of the Bridge) Annual Celebration. On April 5th, they will show a short extract from a film about the project and perform a short concert. In conversation with Krzysztof Czyżewski, one of Poland's great cultural activists and Borderlands co-director, they will also talk about their experience creating and preparing the work and the intersection between music, philosophy, art, and humanist activism in the Borderlands at Krasnagruda, former summer home of Polish poet laureate Czeslaw Miłosz

The Invisible Bridge Orchestra is an artistic response to the challenges of the modern world, which demands a culture of solidarity in response to the threat of deepening social and cultural divisions. A magical experience came from the band's encounter with the artistic explorations of David Krakauer and Kathleen Tagg as a collective rumination on the fate of exile and wander.

MISTERIUM MOSTU Krasnogruda 22 sierpnia 2017. Fotografie WIESŁAW SZUMIŃSKI


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czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00


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  Instytucja Kultury Województwa Podlaskiego

Szanowni Państwo, drodzy Przyjaciele, kochani Rodzice, Sąsiedzi, Goście Sejn i Krasnogrudy, 

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