Borderland in the world

Between the borders by Edward Carr The Economist /  Jun 18th, 2016 The idea of European unity is more complicated than its supporters or critics allow  
BORDERLAND IN BOLZANO EUROMEDITERRANEA/  1st-2nd July 2016 – Kolpinghaus, Bolzano.   Already in 1995 Alexander Langer was aware that a positive role of the European Union in promoting peace, democracy and the creation of an open Euromediterranean space was one of the main challenges of the Union.   
Back to Borders? Panel Debate at the EGP Council in Utrecht/ 21 May 2016 The Green European Journal is organising a panel discussion in connection to its latest edition 'Checkpoint Europe: The Return of Borders' on Saturday May 21st in the framework of the spring council of the European Green Party.  
Borderland and Invisible Bridge in Triest INVISIBLE BRIDGE. A polyphonic tale involving poetry, sculpture, film, photography, flavors and fragrances. The “Invisible Bridge” is an exhibition specially prepared for the Trieste Contemporanea. 
Cooperation between Pogranicze (Borderland Centre and Foundation) and universities The activities of Pogranicze (Borderland Centre and Foundation) has long been conducted beyond the boundaries of Sejny land. The unique formula of our work is so extensive that it cannot be described using the context of only one region.
Conversations at Rutgers University Bradley Hall Rutgers University Newark recently partnered with YouthBuild to engage students and see how arts can affect “deep and lasting social change”.
a_tajikistan On intercultural dialogue in Taijkistan October 2004 Dyushambe and Varzob, two cities in Tajikistan, hosted culture animators from Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Kirghistan, Tajikistan, and Mongolia. This first international workshop was organized by the Borderland Center and Open Society Institute from Budapest. The meeting served to exchange ideas how to spread the dialogue among the cultures. More...
a_paris            Multicultural Tradition of Respublica                      Paris, October 7-9, 2004 Polish Library in Paris. The Borderland took part in the international conference about multicultural traditions of Respublica, organized by Jerzy Kłoczowski and Institute of Central and Eastern Europe from Lublin. Krzysztof Czyżewski’s paper on multiculturalism of “The borderland -...
a_debata_londyn London debate about the Jewish culture and the Borderland The work of the Borderland Foundation and Borderland Center was presented during the meeting Filling the void: Jewish culture without the Jews in October 2004. It was organized by London Institute for Jewish Policy Research (JPR), Spiro Ark, and Institute for Polish-Jewish Studies. It took place in the synagogue in Hampstead Garden Suburb in London. More...
a_usa_brownproject Borderland in America Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence Borderland taking part in research project Borderlands: Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence in the Shatter-Zone of Empires Since 1848 is a large-scale interdisciplinary and international research project exploring the origins and manifestations of ethnic (and related forms of religious and social) violence in the borderlands region of East-Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (or, in other words, those parts of Europe and Asia Minor in which the four pre-World War...

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Szanowni Państwo, drodzy Przyjaciele, kochani Rodzice, Sąsiedzi, Goście Sejn i Krasnogrudy, 

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Darowizny uzyskane przez Fundację Pogranicze

W związku z otrzymaniem darowizn, na podstawie art. 18 ust. 1f, pkt 2 ustawy z dnia 15 lutego 1992 r. o podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych (Dz. U. z 2011 r. Nr 74, poz. 397, ze zmianami), Fundacja Pogranicze podaje do publicznej informacji, że łączna kwota uzyskana z tego tytułu w okresie od 01.01.2020 r. do 31.12.2020 r. wyniosła 88.736,29 zł.

W 2020 roku Fundacja uzyskała również kwotę 9.545,20 zł w formie wpłat z 1% podatku oraz 5.667,98 z tytułu zbiórki publicznej nr 2018/2901/OR.

Otrzymane darowizny Fundacja Pogranicze w całości przeznaczyła na realizację działań statutowych.

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