
Borderland in America

Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence
Borderland taking part in research project

Borderlands: Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence in the Shatter-Zone of Empires Since 1848 is a large-scale interdisciplinary and international research project exploring the origins and manifestations of ethnic (and related forms of religious and social) violence in the borderlands region of East-Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (or, in other words, those parts of Europe and Asia Minor in which the four pre-World War I empires - the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian - touched each other) – from the rise of nationalism in the nineteenth century, through the Holocaust, and beyond.
Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island

Borderland in America

Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence
Borderland taking part in research project

Borderlands: Ethnicity, Identity, and Violence in the Shatter-Zone of Empires Since 1848 is a large-scale interdisciplinary and international research project exploring the origins and manifestations of ethnic (and related forms of religious and social) violence in the borderlands region of East-Central, Eastern, and Southeastern Europe (or, in other words, those parts of Europe and Asia Minor in which the four pre-World War I empires - the Ottoman, Austro-Hungarian, German and Russian - touched each other) – from the rise of nationalism in the nineteenth century, through the Holocaust, and beyond.
Watson Institute for International Studies, Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island


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