EUROMEDITERRANEA/ 1st-2nd July 2016 – Kolpinghaus, Bolzano.  Already in 1995 Alexander Langer was aware that a positive role of the European Union in promoting peace, democracy and the creation of an open Euromediterranean space was one of the main challenges of the Union. 


 Such challenges are even more compelling within the current international frame, with the arrival of many migrants looking for a better life, escaping from wars, from economic and environmental crisis, from severe human rights violations.

South-Tyrol itself, with its history of meeting – and sometimes clashing - of languages and cultures, is facing, as like many other European regions, these demanding challenges. In occasion of this edition of Euromediterranea we aim to pose these questions to some of the former Alexander Langer Prize receivers, who will meet to share proposals and evaluations.

Since the first Alexander Langer Award (1997), we met people and associations engaged in standing up for peace, freedom, human rights and environmental protection. These persons showed their ability of operating in situations of conflict as bridge-builders, with the spirit of nonviolence. The receivers of the Alexander Langer Award have become for us „sensors“ and „alarm bells“ of what deserves attention and engagement everywhere in the world. They helped us to be more conscious of all the interconnections between what happens in our societies and in places apparently far away from us. Places from where arrive, as irreplaceable ambassadors, our new citizens.

„There is a great need, in Europe and in the world, of positive examples, of pathways that lead to integration, democracy, peace, social and ecological justice. Shall the Union be such a positive example, without without shifting the costs and the burdens on to others. A fraternal and hospitable Europe, whose legitimacy and credibility is entrusted by citizens' consensus: to those who choose integration in place of disintegration, political unity and not just the big market, social justice and environment more than growth and competition“. (Alexander Langer, 1995)



The Alexander Langer Award receivers:

Alejandro Calzada Cárdenas, Borderline Sicilia, Italy, Alexander Langer Award 2014

Bochra Bel Haj Hmida, Association des Fammes Démocrates, Tunisia, Alexander Langer Award 2012
Elio Sommavilla, Ayuub Village, Somalia, Alexander Langer Award 2008

Irfanka Pasagic, Tuzlanska Amica, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Alexander Langer Award 2005
Krzyzstof Czyzewski
, Borderland Foundation, Poland, Alexander Langer 
Award 2004

In dialogue with:

Bodil Valero – Member of the European Parliament, The Greens | European Free Alliance

Francesco Palermo – Senator of the Italian Republic, President of the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities of the European Council.


1st July, Friday

05.00 pm, Concert “In Europa” with Paolo Bergamaschi and his band “Luoghi non luoghi”

06.00 pm – 08.30 pm, Different gazes from the Euromediterranean space”


2nd July, Saturday

06.00 pm – 08.30 pm, “For a desirable Europe”

Will participate in the discussion:

Udo Enwereuzor, Federico Faloppa, Giacoma Cassina, Fabio Levi, Bettina Foa, Maria Bacchi, Marianella Sclavi, Gianni Tamino, Mao Valpiana, Karin Abram


More about Euromediterranean 1st-2nd July 2016 – Kolpinghaus, Bolzano

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