Oranim College from Israel in Borderland / May 11-14, 2017

Borderland will host a group of students and lecturers from Oranim College, Israel. The program of workshops and meetings in Sejny and Krasnogruda is part of their study visit to Poland and Lithuania.
It is already the second edition of the "Alternative Travel to Poland and Lithuania" program, which Oranim Collage inaugurated last year. Participants will visit Warsaw, Sejny and Vilnius where they meet with representatives of NGOs, students, educators, scientists and cultural leaders, and explore places related to history, but also get to know the contemporary appearance of these places. The purpose of the meeting is to exchange experiences and good practices in educational and cultural activities and to establish contacts which should result in cooperation in the future. During their stay in Sejny and Krasnogruda, the Oranim Collage group will meet with the Borderland team, learn about the educational practices of various Borderland studios, and take part in a joint Sabbath dinner at the White Synagogue in Sejny.
The program of the meeting with the Oranim Academic College of Education, Israel, May 11-14, 2017
Thursday, May 11th
● 18:00 arrive at Sejny
● 18:15 introduction to the borderland center by Weronika Czyzewska-Poncyljusz
● 19:00 inaugural dinner in Borderland Center in Sejny
● 19:50 entrance to White Synagog in Sejny
● 20.00 Sejny Chronicles (show) in White Synagog in Sejny and meeting with youth
● Approx 21.30 Travel to Hołny Meyera (accommodation)
Friday, May 12th
● 8.30 śniadanie
● 9.30 Travel to Sejny
● 10.00 Walking tour around Sejny
○ I Group by Bożena Szroeder
○ II Group by Michał Moniuszko
● 11.00 coffee break
● 11.30 Art and education in Borderland Center part I
○ I Group Fairy - tales film collection by Bożena Szroeder and Heta Jaalinoja in Borderland House
○ II Group Music of the place by Michał Moniuszko in Sejny Jesziwa/ Sejny Jazz Cooperative
● 13.00 -13.30 small lunch break snacks
● 13.30 Art and education in Borderland Center part II
○ II Group Fairy - tales film collection by Bożena Szroeder and Heta Jaalinoja in Borderland House
○ I Group Music of the place by Michał Moniuszko in Sejny Jesziwa/ Sejny Jazz Cooperative
● 15.00 – 15.30 coffee break
● 15.30 – 17.00 Songs of Borderland - workshop
● 17.30 – Travel to Hołny Meyera (time to change before Shabbat)
● 18.15 - dinner in Hołny
● 19.15 – Travel to Sejny
● 19.30 – Preparation of the Shabbat Evening
● 20.18 - Shabbat Evening in Sejny (prepared by Oranim people and the Borderland Team)
● Late at night☺ Travel to Hołny Meyera (accommodation)
Saturday (Shabbat), May 13th
● 8.30 śniadanie
● 9:30 Travel to Krasnogruda
● 10.00 Poetry and nature in the work of International Center of Dialogue in Krasnogruda Part I
○ Group I „Czesław Miłosz. Searching for the homeland” exhibition and literary & art workshop by Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska and Wiesław Szumiński /
○ Group II Discovering the richness of nature in Krasnogruda Park - education & ecology workshop by Ksenija Konopek /
● 11:30 coffee break / in Krasnogruda Cafe
● 12.30 Poetry and nature in the work of International Center of Dialogue in Krasnogruda Part II
○ Group I Discovering the richness of nature in Krasnogruda Park - education & ecology workshop by Ksenija Konopek /
○ Group II „Czesław Miłosz. Searching for the homeland” exhibition and literature & art workshop by Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska and Wiesław Szumiński /
● 14.00 lunch break / ptaszniki
● 15.00 Preparation for the presentation of the workshops outcome: photos made during the woking tour in Sejny, music of the place workshop; literature&art workshop and ecology workshop
● 16.00 – presentation time in Krasnogruda Park
● 16.30 - conclusions and reflections meeting with coffee in „Song About Porcelain" Cafe in Krasnogruda
● 18.00 – dinner
● 19.00 – travel to Sejny
● 19.30 – “Borderland Tales Film Collection” by Bożena Szroeder in Borderland House
● 20.30 – Beit Midrash in Yesshiva House
● Again Late at night☺ Travel to Hołny Meyera (accommodation)