The Remembrance of Max Furmanski in West Galilee - November / December 2019

Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee (28.11-4.12.2019)
A journey to Israel is above all a great pleasure for us to meet the Furmansky family. Hilda and Max Furmanski sit in a photograph taken a few years in from of the Sejny Yeshiva. Max (passed away in 2014) was the only survivor who returned with all his family to the city of his childhood. Cantor and teacher - he always returned to Sejny with the mission of meeting with whole community and passing the testimony of the old Sejny. We will definitely meet with Hilda and all her great Israeli-Sejny family. A meeting with Małgorzata Sporek - Czyżewska in Tel Aviv and Galilee will be devoted to Max and his history.
Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee (28.11-4.12.2019)