Programme Idea










"Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge" is a programme dedicated to Western Galilee, presenting a unique workshop of educational and artistic practices developed by the Borderland team from Sejny.

  Open workshops and meetings with young people, teachers, cultural animators and the university community in the region will include film screenings, debates and concerts whose main goal is to share experiences in artistic and educational work in a multicultural local community and inspire the local community to undertake similar activities, as well as to establish long-term cooperation with institutions in the region.

 "Tales of Co-existence" is a program that on the one hand aims to share the experiences and achievements of the Polish cultural practice, and on the other addresses practical needs expressed by the Israeli partner - Janusz Korczak’s Enhancing the Educational Spirit Foundation, with which Pogranicze has been cooperating for many years. It aims to create an institution inspired by the practices of the Borderland in Western Galilee. The specially prepared for them program has been created on the basis of many years of Borderland’s experience  in education of new cultural leaders and creation of an international network of "bridge builders" (Borderland School), as well as cooperation with universities from the United States, Israel and Western Europe, institutions which have included Borderland’s practices in their curriculum as one of the important competences in today's world.


The 'Tales of Co-existence' program was preceded by a study visit of the Center's leaders to Israel in 2017. As a result series of workshops, presentations and meetings was worked out taking into account the local context, common experiences and challenges. It will be composed of two elements:


Open Borderland Practice Laboratories - presentations of artistic and educational programs open for all interested which will take place in Oranim Academic College of Education in Tivon, Cultural Center in Maalot - Tarsiha, Western Galilee Academic College in Akko, in Kfar Vradi, in the  "Hadasa Neurim" youth dormitory and Lochame ha-Geta'ot Museum. An integral part of this path will be workshops introducing in practical terms the methods and effects of work of individual laboratories. The workshops will be addressed both to local youth (with the participation of workshop leaders) and to adults (teachers, cultural animators and social activists) interested in undertaking similar work in their institutions and environments.

 "Dwejkus - Closeness" concerts by the Klezmer Orchestra.

- music workshops of the Klezmer Orchestra with the  Maalot Big Band Youth Brass Orchestra in Kfar Vradi, work on the  Invisible Bridge composition which is going to crown the ceremonial final concert.

- presentations of the Borderland Tales Film Collection - 78 animated films about the houses of Sejny and neighbourhood traditions with a commentary by Bożena Szroeder - the creator of the idea and artistic director of the collection

- animated film workshops titled "Family House - Neighbourhood House", conducted by the film director Daria Kopiec

- screenings of the film "Return" about a Holocaust survivor, former resident of Sejny - Max Furmansky, combined with a lecture "White Synagogue as the Agora of Sejny ” by Małgorzata Sporek- Czyżewska.

- screenings of the film "The Musicians' Raft between New York and Sejny" - presentation of an international music programme

- Academy of Intercultural Dialogue:

 - "The Future of Poland” lectures by Krzysztof Czyżewski  will be held at Oranim College, Akko College and Lochame ha-Geta'ot Museum.

- promotion of the book on Sara Szner published in the Borderland Publishers will be held in Kibbutz Lochame ha-Geta'ot Museum, co-founded by the born in Sejny writer. 

- a debate "On Practising Ideas” held in Oranim Collage with the participation of students and lecturers.

The partner of the project will be the Polish Institute in Tel Aviv supporting the project with promotional activities.


Project "Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. The Borderland in Western Galilee" has received funding from the Programme "Inspirational Culture", from The Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.




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