
The Borderland Foundation was established in May 1990. It is an independent, non-governmental institution that does not engage in any political or economic activity. All the programme activities of the Foundation focus on propagating the borderland ethos and bridge building between the people of various religions, ethnicities and cultures. The Foundation was set up by a group of culture animators working earlier at the Gardzienice Theatre (Gardzienice near Lublin), Stop Theatre (Słupsk), the Dąbrówka Culture Centre in Poznań (Krzysztof Czyżewski, Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska) and the Commune Culture Centre in Kashubia (Wojciech and Bożena Szroeder).

Their cooperation dates back to the mid 1980s and the organization of the annual Village Meeting, International Alternative Culture Workshop in Czarna Dąbrówka. They arrived in Sejny in 1990, after their many-month long Journey East. The Foundation has its headquarters in Sejny but its offices are located currently in Krasnogruda. In 2003, the Society of the Borderland Foundation Friends was established, an organization registered in the U.S.A, with its office in Alexandria, near Washington. The Foundation's activities are supported mainly by grants from various institutions and organisations, as well as by private donations. The Foundation closely cooperates with the Center Borderland of Arts, Cultures and Nations." Both institutions are connected through similar goals, as well as, statutorily, through the Cooperation Agreement.

Management Board: 
Krzysztof Czyżewski – President  (
Bożena Szroeder – member of the Management Board (
Wojciech Szroeder – member of the Management Board (
Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska – member of the Management Board (

Borderland Foundation Staff: 
Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska (Foundation Director) - e-mail:
Agata Milewska - (Head acountant) - e-mail:
Anita Sznejder (Secretary, Publishing Programme) - e-mail:
Ksenija Konopek (Glass Bead Game Programme) - e-mail:
Bożena Szroeder (Educational Programs) - e-mail:  
Wojciech Szroeder (Education Programs) - e-mail:
Krzysztof Czyżewski (New Agora Program, Publishing Programme) e-mail:

Wiesław Szumiński (artist) 
Zdzisław Dudek (English translator) 
Andrzej Milewski (IT service) 

Borderland Foundation has been awarded European Cultural Foundation Princess Margriet Award for Culture 2018. On 16 May, the European Cultural Foundation will present two laureates with the 2018 ECF Princess Margriet Award for Culture:  cultural centre  Borderland (PL)  and  multidisciplinary research agency Forensic Architecture (UK).
About Borderland School Borderland School. An interview with Weronika Czyżewska-Poncyljusz.  How was the Borderland School established?  The two-year cycle of meetings held in 2013-2014 was preceded by many different earlier events.
Between the borders by Edward Carr The Economist /  Jun 18th, 2016 The idea of European unity is more complicated than its supporters or critics allow  
Cooperation Agreement COOPERATION AGREEMENT  signed on 4 September 2002 in Sejny between:  Borderland Foundation  with its head office in Sejny, called hereinafter Foundation, represented by Małgorzata Sporek-Czyżewska, and  the Centre "Borderland of Arts Cultures and Nations” in Sejny, called Centre, represented by Wojciech Szroeder. 

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Dwór Miłosza w Krasnogrudzie

czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00


 Biała Synagoga w Sejnach

,,Atlas Sejneńskiego Nieba" - wystawa Małgorzaty Dmitruk

czynny od poniedziałku do piątku 10.00 - 16.00



  Instytucja współprowadzona przez Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego RP.


  Instytucja Kultury Województwa Podlaskiego

Szanowni Państwo, drodzy Przyjaciele, kochani Rodzice, Sąsiedzi, Goście Sejn i Krasnogrudy, 

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Darowizny uzyskane przez Fundację Pogranicze

W związku z otrzymaniem darowizn, na podstawie art. 18 ust. 1f, pkt 2 ustawy z dnia 15 lutego 1992 r. o podatku dochodowym od osób prawnych (Dz. U. z 2011 r. Nr 74, poz. 397, ze zmianami), Fundacja Pogranicze podaje do publicznej informacji, że łączna kwota uzyskana z tego tytułu w okresie od 01.01.2020 r. do 31.12.2020 r. wyniosła 88.736,29 zł.

W 2020 roku Fundacja uzyskała również kwotę 9.545,20 zł w formie wpłat z 1% podatku oraz 5.667,98 z tytułu zbiórki publicznej nr 2018/2901/OR.

Otrzymane darowizny Fundacja Pogranicze w całości przeznaczyła na realizację działań statutowych.

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