DisTerrMem program - events in Warsaw

14-15 October 2019 / DisTerrMem
DisTerrMem Research Team Summer School 1
Monday, 14 October 2019
University of Warsaw
The first of two virtual summer schools to support the training and development of DisTerrMem project researchers. Training sessions will held at the University of Warsaw, Poland and interactively live-streamed to project colleagues internationally.
Stakeholder Workshop 1: Borderland Memories in Comparative Perspective
Tuesday, 15 October 2019
University of Warsaw
The workshop will introduce DisTerrMem project researchers and stakeholders to each other, and will discuss the concept of agonistic memory in relation to borderland disputed legacies. We will ask if borderland memory practices and practitioners at international, national, cultural and civil society levels represent or convey: cosmopolitan, antagonistic, agonistic patterns, or perhaps go beyond them? If yes, how? DisTerrMem researchers not travelling to Warsaw will join the event online.