Borderland in Israel

Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee (28.11-4.12.2019)

Program of meetings in Israel

After months of preparation, the journey to Israel is beginning. As part of the "Stories of Coexistence. The Invisible Bridge" program from November 28 to December 4, we will present a range of educational and artistic practices dedicated to West Galilee. The program includes a series of open workshops and meetings with young people, teachers, culture animators and the university community operating in the region.
 The purpose of the "Story of Coexistence" is to share experience in artistic and educational work in a multicultural local community and inspire the local environment to undertake similar activities, as well as to establish long-term cooperation with institutions in the region.
Program of meetings in Israel - see in attachement
Thursday, 28.11.2019
18.00 - The Cymbalista Synagogue and Jewish Heritage Center Tel Aviv University
Concert of the Klezmer Orchestra of the Sejny Theater
Friday, 29.11.2019
19.00 - Kibbutz Lohamei HaGetaot (The Getto Fighters' Kibbutz) Israel, 2280300
Evening Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 
Sunday, 01.12.2019
10.00 - School in Kefar Veradim
Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 
Sunday, 01.12.2019
12.00 - School in Maalot
Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 

Monday, 02.12.2019
9.00 - School in Tarshiha
Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 

Monday, 02.12.2019
11.00 - Schoolin Januch-Jat
Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 
Monday, 02.12.2019
16.00 - 18.00 The Research Authority Building Oranim Academic College of Education
Open seminar on the cultural practices of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" in Sejny followed by the debate "On Practising Ideas" 
Tuesday, 03.12.2019
09.30 - School in Mi'lija
Presentation of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" 
Thuesday, 3.12.2019
University of Hajfa, Abba Khoushy Ave 199, Haifa Main Building, room 720
"The Art of Bridge-Building" lecture by Krzysztof Czyżewski on the educational and artitic practices of the Center "Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations" in Sejny

Borderland in Israel


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