A Handbook of Dialogue: Trust and Identity. Russian language edition

 The Borderland Foundation with the support of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage, East Poland House and Adam Mickiewicz Institute prepared a Russian edition of its publication titled "A Handbook of Dialogue. Trust and Identity" Its English and Polish versions have already been published. The texts included in the volume offer a summary of multiple meetings and conferences dedicated to the work on development of intercultural dialogue. The participants of the meetings were theoreticians and activists from around the world.

On 4 March 2015, at 7 pm, the East Poland House, Brussels, hosted a debate titled "The Ethos of Dialogue in the Face of the Crisis of Identity and Trust" devoted to the Russian version of" A Handbook of Dialogue. Trust and Identity" Chaired by Krzysztof Czyżewsk, president of the Borderland Foundation, the meeting gathered outstanding participants, such as: Elena Chizhova (b. 1957 in Leningrad) - a Russian writer and essayist. Director of the St. Petersburg' PEN Club. Chief Editor of the international journal “Vsemirnoye slovo” and English interpreter. She lives in St. Petersburg. The heroes of her books are her home town and women. She won the 2009 Russian Booker Prize for her novel The Time of Women,

 and Selim Chazbijewicz (b. 17 November 1955 in Gdańsk) - Polish political scientist, writer, columnist, lecturer, Doctor of Humanities, professor at the University of Warmia and Mazury. Author of poetry books. His poems were included the anthology of Polish Tatars Here is my heritage [Oto moje dziedzictwo] (2010). He has also published a number of works related to the culture and history of the Polish , Lithuanian and Crimean Tatars - eg Crimean Tatars. A Fight for Nation and Free Homeland [Tatarzy Krymscy. Walka o naród i wolną ojczyznę] (2001).




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