1st of December - School In Maalot

Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee (28.11-4.12.2019)
Presentation of the Center „Borderland of Arts, Cultures, Nations” at the School In Maalot
• „Dwejkus – Closeness” koncert by the Klezmer Orchestra
• presentation of the Borderland Tales Film Collection – 78 animated films about the house of Sejny and neighbourhood traditions
• screening of the film „Return” about a Holocaust survivor, former resident of Sejny – Max Furmansky, combined with a lecture „White Synagogue as the Agora of Sejny” by Małgorzata Sporek–Czyżewska
Tales of Co-existence. The Invisible Bridge. Borderland in Western Galilee
Dofinansowano ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego” w ramach Programu „Kultura Inspirująca”